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Antarctica & Patagonia Cruises

It‘s out there, waiting for you. The voyage of a lifetime. The last continent. Each time you hear the word Antarctica you feel its pull. You can almost smell the crisp cold air, hear the crunch of millennial snow under your feet, see the edge of a humpback whale’s tail as it disappears into crystal waters. But once you set foot on Antarctica you‘ll feel something you never imagined existed: a new sense of belonging - to nature, to the family of explorers who’ve come before you, to our beautiful, delicate planet.

Antarctica lay undetected for most of recorded time, it was located way beyond the margins of the known world. Even after its discovery, its isolation and the necessary rigours of the journey kept all but the most intrepid away. Those who did return ran short of superlatives to describe its magnificence. Today, on our luxury expedition ships you can go to Antarctica in a style undreamed by those intrepid early pioneers. But what awaits you there - the snowy, sentinel mountain ranges, teeming penguin colonies and stately parades of monumental icebergs; the sight of an albatross effortlessly gliding across an ink-blue sea and the unexpected rainbow of mist arising from a breaching whale - all of that is virtually unchanged from the time before its discovery.

Antarctica will redefine what beauty means to you. The sheer majesty of the endless landscapes and your personal encounters with strange and unique wildlife will change you forever.


As the sun comes up over the Antarctic Sound, blood-red gives way to sky blue and colonies of Adèlie Penguins slowly shake themselves awake. The ice creaks and shifts underneath as Weddell seals roll around in pure white blankets of virgin snow. Venture a bit further inland and you‘ll find Antarctica isn’t just cold and ice.
Jagged grey mountains watch over fjords teeming with wildlife and species you‘ll encounter nowhere else. Welcome to Antarctica, the last and most unexplored continent on Earth. With many of options, including Silversea's Antarctica Bridge packages, where you start your voyage directly on the South Shetland Islands, Sovereign will find the right experience for you.


In Antarctica, no two cruises are alike, and you‘ll discover a changing untamed wilderness wherever you go. You’ll be moved by intimate encounters with wildlife while the sheer majesty of the landscape makes you feel like you‘re travelling for the very first time. Expeditions team members will guide you every step of the way, as they take the utmost care when travelling to this remote region, with clothes, equipment and procedures that ensure the impact on Antarctica’s delicate ecosystem is minimal to none.
In fact, here you'll discover that you will redefine what it means to explore, as you become one of the few people in history to set foot on the last continent.


In Antarctica, Experts Make the Expedition

Expert knowledge is key in such a remote setting. Silversea, for example have assembled a top-notch team of naturalists and other experts to help you discover and explore Antarctica's hidden secrets. Silversea Expeditions has one of the highest expedition-personnel-to-guest ratios in the entire expedition cruising industry, meaning every single voyage features from 11 to 28 qualified specialists ready to make your adventure that much more special. All excursions and experiences with their Expeditions Team members are included, so feel free to attend as many of their daily “Recap & Briefing” lectures as you like. These uniquely experienced and talented experts have all been chosen for their passion and dedication to their specialised field, as well as their openness, friendliness, and infectious enthusiasm.

Group Hikes - Get up close and personal with the stunning landscapes and teeming wildlife of Antarctica. Keep a lookout for unique fauna as you hike and, who knows, you might just make a new feathered friend as they introduce you to colonies of Adèlie Penguins, Chinstrap Penguins and Gentoo Penguins.

Active Kayaking - Towering icebergs and humpback whales look great from afar, but there‘s nothing like floating alongside a glacier in total silence or having a curious leopard seal glide right beside you in the water. Under the guidance of certified kayak instructors you’ll be able to experience this and much more.


Advanced Lectures - Prepare for your onshore excursions with the best of the best as expert naturalists, biologists, historians and geologists provide you with inside information on what to expect onshore and in the water. They'll pique your curiosity with captivating details about the land, water, ice and wildlife of this unusual continent.

Zodiac® Cruising - There's nothing like listening to large sheets of ice break off a millennial glacier from a Zodiac, or catching sight of a great humpback whale as it spy hops vertically out of crystal clear waters to introduce itself. Expeditions Team members will get you close to the action, all you have to do is climb onboard.


Selected specifically for your destination, the team features a variety of experts, including biologists, ornithologists, geologists, historians and photographers. They make sure each and every adventure you go on is thoroughly taken care of, so your experience is always something to write home about. Whether you‘re looking for that perfect exposure setting for your money shot, or need to know the name of the bird staring at you from a rock outcrop, or would like a detailed history of the local area, you’ll find someone to answer your questions and lend a hand. Get to know our professional expedition team members for the full story on board, on land and on ice.

That is the magic of Antarctica and Patagonia, their timeless majesty and pristine beauty. Those who have seen it claim it's impossible to adequately describe, that you have to go yourself. Why not take some time to watch the Seabourn video below? We think it provides an excellent insight into this most breath taking of locations…and then contact us for expert advice and the guaranteed best fares on all Antarctica and Patagonia luxury cruises.